Kidnappers gang rape 14-yr-old girl

Kidnappers gang rape 14-yr-old girl

Asaba—Police in Delta State have arrested a 29-year old man, Ogwu Chukwutem Ozuem for kidnapping and raping a 14-year old girl in Delta State, reports Vanguard
The state Commissioner of Police, Zanna Ibrahim, who made the disclosure to newsmen at Asaba, the state capital, said Ozuem “deceived the girl to Nsukwa Junction where he and members of his gang kidnapped and took her to a hideout at Isumpe Utagba-uno. 
“The victim was raped by the said gang and subsequently by the 29 year old.
The gang demanded a ransom of two million naira (N2 000 000) to secure the release of the victim. 
The victim was rescued after six days in captivity.    
